Title: The Illegitimate Prince
Author: Empi Baryeh
Series: Royal House of Saene #7
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: royalty, revenge, soulmates, second chance
Release date: Nov 26, 2021
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Financier, Kalahari Asanti, specialises in corporate takeovers, but his next conquest is personal. The Kingdom of Bagumi owes him a great debt, one he intends to collect from King Ibrahim Saene, the father he’s never met and the man he holds responsible for his mother’s death.
Princess Edina Dampare is to be engaged and trying to accept the undeniable truth—no man will ever reach her on the same level as the stranger who imprinted on her soul when she wantonly yielded her innocence to him the one forbidden night she allowed herself to put desire before duty.
Kal’s quest for revenge brings him face-to-face with the woman who’s been haunting his dreams for the past eight months. Now the man who grew up with nothing is determined to reclaim everything the Royal House of Saene took from him…including her.
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